Museum for the United Nations – UN Live is a borderless museum for the people and the world. We harness the power of popular culture to ignite positive global action and, ultimately, to cultivate a sense of global belonging – a 'Global We' – that unites humanity in facing our world's challenges together.  
Transforming this into action and to continuously inform and inspire our thinking and work, UN Live launched a global, live dialogue platform in 2022, called ‘Global We’, to enable direct dialogues with, and between, normally unheard voices from the global majority. It consists of UN Live branded, repurposed shipping containers with high-end TV and audio tech, where people from around the globe can connect with each other in facilitated conversations – across geographies, hierachies, opinions and ages. While increasing global empathy, the individual sense of agency and belonging is central to all UN Live’s popular cultural programmes.
From portals around the world, we facilitate dialogues on issues that matter to people and planet. We capture conversations, analyse them, and help bring the perspective shared and the overarching trends to the ‘formal leaders’ of the world, including UN leaders. 

The Global We platform has been supported by the IKEA Foundation and the Augustinus foundation, executed in collaboration with Shared Studios and hundreds of organisations in the portal locations.

A sense of global belonging

Portal flexibility

Deep human listening
and emerging themes

In collaboration with Cortico, a non-profit organisation that works with MIT CCC (Center for Constructive Communication), UN Live has gathered – and provides access to – over 2,900 experiences and perspectives on climate action. These stem from recorded portal conversations in 25 locations around the world since November 2022, giving us the largest ever recorded climate action conversation. UN Live portals are still running and conversations on climate and other burning issues are taking place and being recorded. The analysis of the recordings continues to add to this authentic, inclusive narrative on global issues. 

Read more about the collection here.

A public page is now available with identified themes and patterns from the conversations. 

Join the
Global We

We want to include as many people as possible in the Global We conversation; that means you and your community. If you are interested to learn more or want to engage with the programme, please reach out to us at:

Insights from Global We conversations

Map of our portal network